TOPIC 2: Write about your most recent vacation.

It's summer time. Do you have any plans for vacation? I don't have a plan because I'm really busy with a lot of work, but I had a vacation. Today I'm going to tell you about my most recent vacation. 

My last vacation was 4 years ago. I went to Ha Long. I went there by bus with my family. I stayed there for about a week. I rented a room in my uncle's motel next to the beaches. The weather is not rainy, not too hot, and normal. The food is very delicious. The motel has very good service; I would probably give it 5 stars. When I arrived in Ha Long, my family first went to eat seafood, then went for a walk, and then at around 1 p.m. we went to the beach. After that, we go back to the motel and sleep. 

My favorite thing is to spend time with my family, and it's really fun. That helps my family connect and understand each other better. I had a bad experience; I'm not good at swimming, so when I go to the beach, I'm really scared. I don't want to go to the beach. If I can come back, I will try to make time for myself. 

These are the things I remember from my last vacation. Thanks for reading my blog.

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Bài đăng phổ biến từ blog này

TOPIC 1: Fitness and eating habits

Topic 3: Write about your personal dress code.