Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2024

Topic 5: Write about your shopping habits.

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 My topic today is my shopping hobby so today I will talk about my shopping hobby. First let's talk about whether I'm a shopaholic or not. I'm not a shopaholic because most of my time is working so I don't have time to buy and I also don't have money. When buying clothes, I can't choose clothes because most of the people who choose will be my mother because she thinks the style of clothes she chooses will look good on me and I also tried to tell my mother to let me choose myself but she He didn't allow it, so I had to accept it.  As for electronics or food and household appliances , I will choose for myself to use. When I buy things, I will choose familiar shops because I prefer to buy from reputable places rather than strange and unreliable places. I'm a person who doesn't talk much so I rarely bargain or don't bargain at all.  I had a bad experience with a recent purchase, last week I placed an order online and I received it back with a defecti

Topic 4: Write about your favorite means of transportation.

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 Hello I'm back. Our topic today is favorite means of transportation. Everyone will have a favorite means of transportation and so do I. First of all, the means of transport I use to go to school is a motorbike. Riding a motorbike doesn't take too long. Travel time is about 15 minutes. If traffic jams, it takes 30 minutes or more. As well as going to school, I also go out by motorbike. Departure time depends on the destination. I don't take the bus because I get bus sick or car sick. I often drive a motorbike.  My problem when driving is crossing the street and turning, What I like about riding a motorbike is breathing the outside air and the wind and the disadvantages of motorbikes are broken motorbikes and polluted air.  If I could travel, I would choose to go back to my hometown and I would go with my family. I plan to go by plane because it will be faster. The plane ride back home will take 2 or 3 hours fromtakeoff. Flying is quite expensive for me because I buy round t