TOPIC 1: Fitness and eating habits

Hello, my name is Thuy Trang. Today I will talking about my fitness and eating habits. 

First we will talk about fitness. I think I don't have a good shape because I always eat sweet and it not good so I just get that I'm fat or chubby.

I don't like to go outside to do exercise or play basketball so I just go dancing while you clean the house. If the place I clean have nobody, only me, I will dance and do some crazy thing. I usually clean the house but dance is almost always because dancing is fun and who don't want enjoy the fun time. The time I dance is probably random and the time I spend cleaning the house is about 30 minutes. I always do it alone. After do that just feel tired and sweating.

Secondly we will talk about my eating habits. Foods that I avoid are too salty foods and seafood because I don't like it.

My unhealthy eating habit is eating too many sweets. I won't lie that I'm a having sweet tooth. My mother warned me that I should eat less but I can't stop eating. Maybe in future I will stop eating sweet food.

That is all my fitness and eating habits I know that I'm don't have a good shape and eating habits but in future I will change it. Thanks for reading my blog.

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